Lorg Ghlaschu - In Search of the Dear Green Place

B' e cruinneachadh àraid ciùil a bha an cuideachd Lorg Ghlaschu, air a stiùireadh le Màiri Anna NicUalraig, le taic-eòlais mion-rannsachadh Alasdair MhicIlleBhàin, a' leantainn slighe tro stòras prìseil ainmean-àite, eachdraidh agus sluagh a' bhaile, agus le ìomhaighean bhideo àlainn Nick Turner nan cois. Lorg Ghlaschu featured a stellar musical gathering curated by Mary Ann Kennedy, and informed by Alasdair Whyte’s detailed research, leading a trail through the city’s rich treasure trove of Gaelic place names, history and people, all set against the beautiful video backdrops of Watercolour Music’s Nick Turner.


Mary Ann Kennedy, Alasdair Whyte, Finlay Wells, Lorne MacDougall, Findlay Napier & Nick Turner




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Cuairtean pearsanta Nick Turner air thòir air na raointean uaine gràdhach air falach sa bhaile. Nick Turner's personal visits to the unsung dear green places.



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Tha an Dr Alasdair MacIlleabhàin a' leantainn air rannsachadh mionaideach air tùsan ainmean-àite GHlaschu. Dr Alasdair Whyte continues his meticulous research in to Glasgow placenames.


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Dualchas Nàdarra na h-Alba agus am Mòd Rìoghail Nàiseanta - Scottish Natural Heritage and the Royal National Mod.



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Tha Màiri Anna air cairt-iùil is ciùil ioma-fhillte a chruthachadh, a' togail air ìomhaighean ainmean-àite Ghlaschu le ceòl is briathran air ùr-dhèanamh airson na h-oidhche, cuide ri òrain is fuinn iomchaidh eile. Mary Ann has curated a rich musical map of specially composed and existing songs and music, inspired by the images brought to life in Glasgow's placenames, rightly called the Dear Green Place.

Is e ann an da-rìreabh ainm an rathaid bho thuath tro Chrois Anniesland an Dròbh-Rathad, seach an ‘Crow Road' – pàirt de lìon nan dròbhairean bho air feadh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan eilean a' dèanamh an slighe gu ruige fèilltean mòra sprèidh aig deas. The Crow Road coming in from the north through Anniesland Cross is in fact ‘An Dròbh-rathad’ – part of the vast network of routes from the Highlands and Islands to the great trysts and fairs of the Lowlands.



Tha 'gart' no 'gort' ga cheangal ri ùbhlan ann an dàn bhon 13mh linn do dh'Amhlaoíbh, mac Iarla an Leamhnachd - dh'fhaotadh gur ainm e do dh'àit' eile cleas Gart nan Ubhal. The Gaelic gart or gort, is associated with apples in a 13th-century poem to Amhlaoíbh, son of the Earl of Lennox - it could refer to a place whose name contains similar elements to those in Gartnavel






Chaidh eilean an INnis Bhàin à bith nuair a chaidh an abhainn a chladhadh airson obair nan gàraidhean luingeis leithid Barclay Curle san Innis Bhàn fhèin. The ‘Innis Bhàn’ disappeared with the dredging of the river for shipbuilders such as Whiteinch yard, Barclay Curle








A' tilleadh gu aon dhe na h-òrain ùra bho ‘Cluaidh – Ùrachadh na h-Aibhne’, a-mach air eachdraidh a' bhaile as dèidh crìonadh gnìomhachais. Tha an t-òran ga ghabhail tric an-diugh le Màiri Anna. Revisiting of one of the original songs from ‘Cluaidh – Ùrachadh na h-Aibhne’, tracing the Clyde’s post-industrial human story. It’s now a central part of Mary Ann’s repertoire.



B' e Marchtown an t-ainm a b' fheàrr leis na h-uachdarain Maxwell don sgìre, agus tha òran Emma Pollock a' tilleadh dhan t-seann ainm seo, agus a' leantainn cuideachd aona bheachd a-measg ghrunnan a-thaobh ainm baile Chrois Mo Liubha, faisg air làimh. Marchtown was an alternative name for Strathbungo, preferred by the Maxwell landowners. Emma Pollock’s song goes back to this old name, plumping for one of the theories behind the name of the neighbouring village of Crossmyloof.

Òran mìorbhaileach le Dòmhnall MacIlleathain, cùbair às eilean le eachdraidh mhòr grùdaireachd mhì-laghail. Dhèanadh na Tirisdich moladh, is cinnteach, air manaich seann mhainistir Achadh an Oisein a' cur an stailean am falach air luchd a' Chusbainn ann an oisein a' ghàraidh. Written by Donald MacLean, a cooper from an island with a big illicit distilling history. Tirisdich would no doubt approve of the monks of  Auchentoshan monastery hiding their own still in the their walled gardens.

Pìobaire e, agus bha e mar chleachdadh dha gu tric a bhi cosg trusgan denim nam prìosanach fhèin. Chaidh Rab ga thoirt gu farpais pìobaireachd là, agus thachair e ris le èideadh a' phrìosain fhathast gu h-àrd, agus fhèileadh, stocainnean-fhèilidh agus spatais gu h-ìosal. A piper who also liked to dress for work like his inmates – denim jacket and jeans - Rab Wallace met him at the prison on one occasion to take him to a band contest and found him top half in prison issue kit and bottom half in kilt, hose and spats


Bidh deagh chuimhn' aig gu leòr a' mhuinntir a’ bhaile air Bus 68 a dh'Achadh an t-Seagail, no fiu' s an carbad-rèile, aireamh a-naoi – an seirbhis mu dheireadh a ruith an Glaschu. Ach bha na tuaimsean gu robh an ‘shoogle’ a-mach air crathadh a' charbaid, no fiù 's gur iad comhairle a' bhaile a chruthaich an t-ainm ri linn, gu mì-fhortanach nan uirsgeulan. Many Glaswegians remember the No. 68 bus to Auchenshuggle - or even the No. 9 tram, the last to run in Glasgow. Sadly, the shoogle did not mean the rocking of the tram.


Tha pàirce Bealach Há-stein cho grinn ri gin de chluaintean uaine Ghlaschu, ainmeil a-thaobh spòrs agus na dhachaigh do thaigh-ealain Thearlaich Rennie Mhic an Tòisich. Bellahouston is of the Southside’s contemporary green jewels, with the park playing host to major sporting events as well as being the home of Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s House for an Art Lover.





Ainm eile le deifir freumhan, ged a tha an riochd seo bitheanta an-diugh, gu h-àraid air cairt-iùil an rèile fo-thalamhainn. Bha uair nach b' e na bu mhotha dachaigh na pàirce ball-coise ainmeil. Another name with various possible roots, although this Gaelic version is popular today, especially in relation to the schematic map of the Glasgow Subway. The hallowed turf of the football ground was not always home to the team.


Le bhi ag iarraidh lethsgeul aon de ghaisgich bàrdachd Ghlaschu, Iain MacPhaidein, is e seo atharrais air ‘Òran don Theatre’ – aithris air dealbh-chluich àm Bliadhn' Ùire ann an taigh-cluiche Prionnsa na Cuimrigh sa Chua Challtainn. With apologies to one of Mary Ann’s Glaschu song heroes, John MacFadyen, this is a reworking of his ‘Oran don Theatre’ – his celebration of an 1880 pantomime in the Prince of Wales Theatre in the Cowcaddens.


Chaidh Baile nam Marbh a steidheachadh air cladh Père-Lachaise am Paris, far a bheil iomadh neach ainmeil air an tiodhlaigeadh. Bhathas airson gur e àite sonais a bhiodh ann, a' cuimhneachadh le sòlas. The Necropolis, Glasgow’s ‘city of the dead’ was modelled on Paris’s last resting place of the famous and not-so-famous, Père-Lachaise, and was originally intended to be a place of peace and happiness, celebrating the ‘genius of memory’.


Coma leinn Cluaidh, is e sruthan Molendinar fìor chridhe-aibhne Ghlaschu, far an do stèidhich an Naomh Mungo eaglais agus freumhan a’ bhaile gràidh. Tha an abhainn – is ainm co-cheangailte do mhuilnean – fo thalamh airson a’ mhòr-chuid an-diugh. Never mind the Clyde, the Molendinar Burn is Glasgow’s true river heart, where St. Mungo founded his church and the roots of the Dear Green Place. The burn, with its name associated with mills, is for the most part underground today.



Rinn an t-Oll. Dòmhnall MacIlleathain, eòlaiche gnìomhachais, seinneadair chòisir agus tìr-bhàrd, dàn a dh'aona ghnothaich airson deireadh na h-oidhche nochd, a' tarraing le chèile daoine agus àite, baile agus tuath. Agus tha leadan Màiri Anna a; comhtharrachadh sgeulachd a' bhaile tro a h-ainmean àite. Prof. Donald MacLean, business guru, Gaelic chorister and geo-poet, has contributed a specially written poem for the finale, drawing people and place, rural and urban together, while Mary Ann’s litany marks the city’s story through its names of place.


Chaidh Neacail Mac an Tuairneir e fhèin a shealg le camara, is fhuair e lorg air beartas uaine, bho phàircean ainmeil a’ bhaile gu ceàrnaidhean beaga, fiadhaich a’ cur rompa a bhi fhathast beò sa bhaile mhòr:

Nick Turner went in search himself, armed with stills and video cameras, and found a wealth of green spaces, from the city’s well-known and beautifully manicured city parks, to wee wild places determined to re-assert themselves in an urban environment:

Coille Achadh an t-Seagail aig Crois na Cìse, fo sgèith an M74 – àite gràidh muinntir na sgìre Pàirce Dawsholm agus na gàraidhean a’ sgaoileadh a-mach air chùlaibh Anniesland – far am faicear iomadh cù (is maighstir), agus far a bheil an earc-uisge spliutach ri fhaicinn as ùr Auchenshuggle Woods at Tollcross, nestled in the lee of the M74 – well-used and much-loved by locals

The sprawling Dawsholm Park and Gardens at Anniesland - a dog-walker’s favourite and the new source of Palmate Newts

Puill-criadha Hamiltonhill agus an Raon-nàdair an sin, le lusan is ainmhidhean fiadhaich rim faicinn air taobhannan chanal Foirthe is Chluaidh, làimh ri Cua Challtainn Hamiltonhill Clay Pits and Local Nature Reserve at Cowcaddens with the encroaching wildlife on the banks of the Forth and Clyde canal

Loch Dhùn Lob ann An Staran, le sionnaich dàna, ealachan spraiceil, agus a’ ghobhrag bheag air sgèith, glè fhaisg air màthair-uisge sruthan a’ Mholendinar Dunlop Loch at Stepps, complete with bold fox, rare jack snipe and arsey swans, close to the source of the Molendinar that flows from the Frankfield and Hogganfield Lochs.

Àilleachd tuathanas Pathhead ann am Pàirce na Banrìgh, fo sgàile suaicheantas baile Ghlaschu The Pastoral delights of Pathhead Farmhouse in Queens Park which still flourishes beneath the Glasgow coat of arms

An t-amar àlainn aig taigh-staile Achadh an Oisein, gach boinne ga chleachdadh gu laghail an-diugh The splendid pond at Auchentoshan Distillery, all water-use completely licit

Pàirce Bealach Há-Stein a’ sgaoileadh a-mach le annamh air aon taobh agus snasmhorachd Pàirce an t-Seann Taighe air an taobh eile, agus seallaidhean brèagha de shruthan a’ Chairt Bhàin The scale of Bellahouston Park with wild meadows at its flank and the unexpected neatness of its near neighbour Auldhouse Park with its own lazy views of the White Cart Water

Sealladh farsaing, suairc de Ghlaschu bhon bhràighe choitcheann, far an cluinnear faram a’ bhaile an co-sheirm ri gairm sheabhag is sgreuchag-choille The broad, benign view of Glasgow from the high common ground of Cathkin Braes where the sound of the city competes with hawks and jays.

Rannsachadh Acadeamaigeach - Academic Research & Òrain Gàidhlig - Gaelic Song

An Dr Alasdair MacIlleBhàin - Dr Alasdair Whyte


Dualchas Nàdarra na h-Alba, An Comunn Gàidhealach, Mòd Ghlaschu 2019, an Dr Katherine Forsyth (Oilthaigh Ghlaschu), agus gach neach a chuidich le ìomhaighean, beachdan, fiosrachadh no taic as leth triall na h-oidhche nochd. Scottish Natural Heritage, An Comunn Gàidhealach, Mòd Ghlaschu 2019, Dr Katherine Forsyth (University of Glasgow), and all who contributed images, inspiration or assistance to tonight’s expedition.


Màiri Anna NicUalraig - Mary Ann Kennedy

Sgrìobhaiche - Composer

Craoladair, Ceòladair, Sgrìobhaiche agus Stìuriche Watercolour Music. Broadcaster, Musician, Writer and Director of Watercolour Music.

Màiri Anna NicUalraig - Mary Ann Kennedy

Stiùiriche Ciùil - Musicial Director


Nick Turner

Dealbhachadh Ìomhaigh - Visual Design

Innleadair, Riochdaire, Ceòladair, agus Stiùiriche air Watercolour Music. Engineer, Producer, Musician and Director of Watercolour Music

Nick Turner

Dealbhachadh Fuaim is Ìomaigh - Visual and Sound Design


Alasdair MacIlleBhàin - Alasdair Whyte

Rannsachadh - Research

Ceòladair agus Rannsaiche aig Oilthaigh Ghlaschu - Musician and Researcher at the University of Glasgow

An Dr Alasdair MacIlleBhàin - Dr Alasdair Whyte

Prìomh Rannsachadh - Principal Research

Co-ràmhaichean - Project Partners

Is e seo an dàrna pàirt de choimisean àraid air iarraidh le Dualchas Nàdarra na h-Alba, gus oidhche de cheòl is iomhaigh a chur air làr aig a' Mhòd Rìoghail Nàiseanta. This is the second part of an original commission for a musical and visual performance at the Royal National Mod, sponsored by Scottish Natural Heritage.


Is e DNA buidheann oifigeil nàdair na h-Alba. Bidh sinn a' strì ri piseach a thoirt air àrainneachd na dùthcha agus ri daoin' a bhrosnachadh gus coimhead as a dèidh, gus gu bheil nàdar na h-Alba gu lèir - làraich is raointean àraid, ar cluaintean uaine agus ar ainmhidheachd dùthchasach - air a dhìon agus air a leasachadh gu maith nan uile. Tha e an urra rinn uile slighe rèidh a leantainn a-thaobh àiteachas an t-saoghail mun cuairt oirnn, gus gun tig e beò an iomaidheachd. SNH is Scotland’s nature agency. We work to improve our natural environment in Scotland and inspire everyone to care more about it, so that all nature in Scotland – our key habitats and landscapes, all our green space and our native species – is maintained, enhanced and brings us benefits. It is the job of all of us to achieve a balance in the sensitive management of our natural world in order to maintain and enhance biodiversity.

- Dualchas Nàdarra na h-Alba - Scottish Natural Heritage -

Stèidhicheadh An Comunn Gàidhealach san Òban an 1891. Tha e air taic fad còrr is ceud bliadhna a chur ri ionnsachadh agus cleachdadh na Gàidhlig, agus brosnachadh litreachais, eachdraidh, ceòl is ealain. An Comunn Gàidhealach was founded in Oban in 1891. It has supported the teaching, learning and use of the Gaelic language and the study and cultivation of Gaelic literature, history, music and art for over 100 years.

- Royal National Mòd - An Comunn Gàidhealach -

Prìomh bhaile na h-Alba a-thaobh cruthachas, cultuir agus spòrs, tha cliù aig Glaschu mar bhaile cho beothail is gnìomhach san Roinn Eòrpa. Abair cuirmear airson Mòd Ghlaschu 2019. B' i As Scotland’s creative, cultural and sporting capital, Glasgow enjoys a reputation as one of Europe’s most vibrant, dynamic and stylish destinations and was the perfect host for the Royal National Mod 2019.

- Mòd Ghlaschu 2019 -

Brath - Contact

Thar fichead bliadhna, tha Watercolour Music air co-obrachadh le iomadh buidheann, neach-ealain agus comhairliche airson raon farsaing de phròiseactan soirbheachail a lìbhrigeadh. Over the last twenty years, Watercolour Music has partnered with a number of organisations, artists and advocates to produce a wide variety of highly successful arts projects.

  • Seòladh - Address

    Watercolour Music, Àird Ghobhair, Loch Abar PH33 7AH

  • Fòn - Phone

    +44 (0) 1855 841320

  • Post-D - Email


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